Otsuka ベット 賭けるchno Health Initiatives.
Otsuka ベット 賭けるchno considers employee health as one of our most important health resources in order to achieve both;
Corporaベット 賭ける Philosophy of the Otsuka Group
“Otsuka-people creating new products for betベット 賭けるr health worldwide”
(Creaベット 賭ける innovative products that contribuベット 賭ける to the betベット 賭けるr health of people around the world.)
and Otsuka Techno’s manageベット 賭けるnt philosophy “We stand on a global scale, create new value for custoベット 賭けるr satisfaction and contribute to the world at large”.
We declare our commitment to sound management by developing a workplace environment where all employees can work in good physical and mental health to maximize their individuality and capベット 賭けるilities, and to actively support individual employees in their voluntary health activities.
Otsuka ベット 賭けるchno Co.
President and Representative Director
Kanji Tsukii