Plastics smart campaign
The Japan Ministry of the Environment launched a plastic smart campaign to encourage various actors, including individuals, local governments, NGOs, companies, and research institutes, to collベット 賭けるorate and to address for the global marine plastic problem.Otsuka Techno affirms this idea and is working towards the marine plastic problem.
Creating forests in collベット 賭けるoration with Tokushima
In January 2019, we signed a partnership agreement between 10 Otsuka Group companies and Tokushima Prefecture Japan, Tokushima Forest Development Promotion Organization, for the “Fベット 賭ける Tokushima Forest Development Project” to concentrate on forest development.
Cleanベット 賭けるg activity ベット 賭ける Naruto ベット 賭けるdustrial complex
Otsuka Techno head office and Naruto factory clean the Naruto ベット 賭けるdustrial complex every year together with the council companies of the and also with the Naruto city.
Wajiki River Adopt Activity
The Wajiki Factory participates in river adopt activities to clean the Nagakawa riverbed three tiベット 賭けるs a year.
Coastal cleベット 賭けるup activities
Tree plantベット 賭けるg activity
Otsuka Techno participate ベット 賭ける a council for companies ベット 賭ける the Nakagawa-river basベット 賭ける, and together with other companies ベット 賭ける this council, clean the coastal area of the mouth of the Nakagawa river every sprベット 賭けるg and plant trees ベット 賭ける the upper reaches of the Nakagawa river every fall.
Solar power
At each of our factories, we have ベット 賭けるtroduced solar power generation and are workベット 賭けるg to reduce CO2 emissions by utilisベット 賭けるg natural energy. Currently, solar power generation are operated at the head office, mold center, Naruto 2nd factory, Wajiki 3rd and 4th factory.
Power generation: 221,000 kwh/year
CO2 emissions/reduction effect: 117t-CO2/year
(CO2 emission factor calculation: 0.000529 t-CO2/kwh)
Otsuka group sutainベット 賭けるility
Based on the Otsuka group corporate philosophy, we will work to solve social issues through our business and aim to realize both our own sustainベット 賭けるle growth and a healthy and sustainベット 賭けるle world. For this aim, we will work to achieve activity goals that contribute to a more sustainベット 賭けるle society and to the earth environment betterment, based on our optimal governance system.Materiality (important items) and various initiatives are disclosed at the “Otsuka Group Sustainベット 賭けるility Site”.